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Having a website can be a great way to make some extra income. With a little effort, you can start generating revenue from your site. Here are some tips on how to make money from your website:

Display Ads

One of the easiest ways to make money is by displaying ads on your site through networks like Google AdSense. You simply sign up for an account, paste a small code snippet on your site, and ads will automatically appear. You’ll make money every time someone clicks on an ad. The more traffic your site gets, the more you’ll earn.

  • Google AdSense is the most popular ad network, but there are many others to explore like, Raptive, and Ezoic. Networks have different approval criteria, so you may want to apply to a few.
  • Ad placement matters. Test putting ads in different positions like within content, the sidebar, header, footer, etc. Some areas will generate higher click-through rates.
  • Site speed is a factor. Ads on faster loading sites perform better. Make sure your images are compressed, code is clean, and web hosting is robust.
  • The type of ads can make a difference. Try standard display ads, responsive ads for mobile, and native ads that blend into content. See what resonates with your audience.
  • Target locally relevant ads when possible. Services like Google AdSense allow you to target ads by country/city to increase relevance.
  • Pay attention to your ad clicks and conversion rates. If they seem off, tweak your ad sizes or placements. Some areas may lead to accidental clicks.
  • Content and niche affects performance. For example, financial advice sites tend to have higher ad earnings than entertainment sites. Place ads strategically.
  • Be upfront about using ads. Some audiences dislike too many ads. Mention it in your policies and explain it helps keep content free.

Affiliate Marketing


Join affiliate programs like Amazon Associates and promote products on your site. When a visitor clicks through and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. Find products that are a good fit for your audience and content. Use affiliate links wisely within blog posts, reviews, resource pages, etc. Here are some tips to expand on affiliate marketing:

  • Choose affiliate programs relevant to your niche and audience. Don’t promote products randomly just to make money. Make sure there is a good fit.
  • Be transparent. Let your audience know when you are promoting an affiliate product and are earning a commission. Build trust. You will also need to do this to stay compliant with the FTC. You can read more about affiliate disclosures from the FTC website.
  • Write detailed reviews of products you recommend. Don’t just add generic links. Provide value by sharing your hands-on experience.
  • Compare products if it makes sense. For example, review “Top 10 Web Hosting Services” with pros/cons of each and your top pick(s). Include your affiliate links.
  • Create “best of” roundups like top books for entrepreneurs, software for artists, etc. Include short write-ups on each then link to them with affiliate links.
  • Add affiliate links to past content. If you wrote a blog post mentioning a product last year, go back and add your affiliate link to it. Always look at your links to make sure they aren’t broken or the sites you are promoting still exist. Make it a habit to review these at least once every few months.
  • Prominently display affiliate links and banners. Experiment with placement near top, middle, and bottom of content to see what converts best.
  • Offer coupon codes and deals for products you recommend to incentivize purchases. Many affiliate programs provide special promo codes.
  • Let your links do the selling. Write compelling content first, then add relevant affiliate links rather than cramming products into each post.
  • For more details and guide, check out our Comprehensive Guide on Affiliate Marketing

Make Money Selling Digital Products

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Offer own products for sale like ebooks, online courses, guides, templates, etc. You create the product once and can sell it multiple times. For digital products, you don’t have to worry about printing, shipping, and handling.

  • Determine what skills, knowledge or expertise you can package into an information product. Ideas include ebooks, online courses, videos, guides, templates, workbooks, etc.
  • Get clear on your target audience. Tailor your product to their needs and challenges. Outline the specific problems it will solve.
  • Consider doing pre-sales and surveys to assess interest and pricing. This helps validate the product idea before spending time creating it.
  • Outsource parts you can’t do yourself, like graphics design, technical aspects, etc. This frees you to focus on your strengths.
  • Choose a platform to sell and deliver your digital products. Popular options include membership plugins, LMS platforms, Gumroad, Teachable and more.
  • Price based on the value you provide, not just time spent. Charge fair prices, but don’t undersell yourself. Offer payment plans if needed.
  • Market the product heavily during launches and promotions. Let your email list and social media followers know first.
  • Automate post-purchase delivery with instant download links and thank you pages. Make it easy for buyers.
  • Continue nurturing customers after purchase with follow-up training and content. Aim for ongoing engagement.
  • Develop a pipeline of new digital products to keep revenue steady. Repurpose content into new formats.


Charge a monthly or annual fee to access premium content and services. This gives you reliable way to make money as long as you continue providing value. Offer different tiers at different price points.

  • Offer multiple tiers like basic, pro, premium with increasing benefits. This provides options for different budgets.
  • Clearly communicate the value – what they gain access to at each level and why it’s worth the price.
  • Provide exclusive content like special reports, industry analysis, discounts, forums etc. Make it compelling.
  • Automate drip content delivery like email courses when they sign up to add value.
  • Consider offering annually discounted pricing for long term commitments.
  • Reward loyalty by incrementally opening up higher tiers based on tenure.

Consulting/Coaching Services

Offer your expertise to make money as a consultant, coach, or advisor. This could be through phone, video chat, email, etc. Have a menu of your services and rates readily available.

  • Determine your niche expertise people will pay for like marketing, business strategy, career coaching, etc.
  • Offer different formats – one-on-one sessions, hourly, retainer, mastermind groups.
  • Be flexible on pricing. Charge by project, day rate, package pricing. Offer some free for marketing.
  • Develop products and info packets that provide additional value after sessions.
  • Outline a clear process on your website – how to get started, pricing, formats, etc.
  • Leverage credentials and testimonials to establish your authority.

Make Money Selling Merchandise


Design t-shirts, mugs, bags and other merchandise featuring your brand and sell through your site to make money. Use print-on-demand services so you don’t have to manage inventory. Add exclusives to sweeten the deal.

  • Research ideal products related to your brand – t-shirts, mugs, bags, notebooks, stickers, etc.
  • Use print-on-demand services like CafePress, Printful so you don’t have to stock inventory.
  • Create limited edition and seasonal designs to introduce scarcity and encourage sales.
  • Promote frequently on social media and email lists, especially before holidays.
  • Offer site-wide discounts on merchandise as an incentive for email list sign-ups.
  • Cross-promote merchandise when featuring your content and visuals.

With a quality website and smart monetization strategies, you can turn your creations into ways to make money. Explore which options are best matched to your goals, audience, and content. If you need some business ideas to start to make money, sign up for our free digital copy of 99 Business Ideas.